> John Shirk > Today’s Opportunity to Grow Toward Christ-Melodiousness
Today’s Opportunity to Grow Toward Christ-Melodiousness
August 24th, 2011
JOHN SHIRK – A good melody is a tune that is pleasant to the ears. One of the key elements in many worship services is music. That is because God’s people have been given a song in our heart, and that song reflects gratitude to God for His saving grace and His highest glory.
Psalm 40, verse 3 says, “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD.”
Christian music can be used of God as an instrument of praise to bring glory to the name of Jesus. Songs can also be words of instruction to people, explaining the message of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Melodiousness is a quality that enables us to represent Jesus in the world today.
John Shirk
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