Vital Step to a Radiant Faith-Give Thanks to the Lord
JOHN SHIRK – In the Year to Shine, today’s Vital Step to a Radiant Faith is to Give Thanks to the Lord.
We have a good reason to give thanks to the Lord. Psalm 136 tells us that He is good. His love endures forever.
This Psalm points to other reasons that we have to give thanks to God. He does great wonders. He is our Creator. He is our Provider. He guides us with His mighty hand and outstretched arm.
There is an interesting structure to this Psalm. There are 26 verses in Psalm 136, and in each verse, we see the phrase, “His love endures forever.” This is the reality that brings stability and security to our faith. This is a truth that we can celebrate every day in every season of life, because every day we wake up, God is there with His love reaching out to us.
Giving Thanks to the Lord is a vital step to a Radiant Faith that makes a difference in our world.
John Shirk