
Who is Coffey Anderson?

December 15th, 2010

FRED MCNAUGHTON – Last night Radio Friend Phil interviewed Coffey Anderson on New Tunes at 9. We have been playing Coffey’s song ‘You Are All I’m After’ for a little while on WJTL.  Coffey is pronounced like coffee, except replace the E sound at the end with a long A sound…Coff-A. Phil and I saw Coffey perform at the Momentum Radio Conference earlier this year and we were not only impressed with his musical talent, but also with his ability to keep his composure while performing for several hundred radio professionals and having his backing tracks quit on him.  Then after his performance I had the opportunity to chat with him in the lobby and was impressed again with his sincerity and friendliness.  When he found out where WJTL was located, he immediately mentioned that he had recently been in Camp Hill.  Who is Coffey Anderson and why does he have over 20,000 YouTube subscribers and why have his videos been watched over 7 million times ?  Listen to Radio Friend Phil’s interview with Coffey and check out his new video? O, and by the way, today is his Birthday.  ‘LIKE’ his page on Facebook and wish him a Happy Birthday!

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