
Win Anne Wilson’s book MY JESUS or Austin French’s book JESUS CAN, Winning Wednesday, December 28th

December 25th, 2022

We’re celebrating Winning Wednesday, December 28th
by giving you chances to win a book!

Listen for chances to win either Jesus Can by Austin French or My Jesus by Anne Wilson. Both books tell stories of emerging from heartache to hope.

In Jesus Can, Austin revisits his early years as a boy who lived in fear in his own household; growing up in poverty and humiliation. Jesus Can is a story of emerging from heartache to hope, eternal security, and peace.

In My Jesus, Anne Wilson shares her remarkable journey through the loss of her brother and the surprising moment she heard God’s voice calling her to do the unexpected–sing and create music that would draw people to Him.

Listen all day, Wednesday, December 28th for chances to call in and win one of these great reads!

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