
Win Mixtape Theology Devotional on Throwback Thursday, December 7th

November 30th, 2023


Listen during our next Throwback Thursday
on December 7th to hear Songs of Christmas Past!
It’s a full day of Christmas music
from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s.



You’ll also have chances to win the
new 90s CCM retrospective devotional book
Mixtape Theology: A devotional and retrospective
inspired by 90s Christian music & culture.


Part-devotional and part-retrospective, Mixtape Theology
will take 90s CCM fans to
“Another Time, and Another Place” to “Dive”
into the biblical passages behind their favorite
90s Contemporary Christian Music (CCM).

Full of nostalgia, renewed wonder, and a whole lot of 90s cheese,
readers are encouraged to fall in love
with these songs and the gospel all over again.

Listen all day Throwback Thursday, December 7th

for chances to win.
Keep our number handy 717-392-3690.


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