Word of Encouragement-Amazed
JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Word of Encouragement is Amazed.
The definition of this word is “greatly surprised; astonished.”
We have a reason to be amazed at the birth of Christ. His arrival marked a major step forward in God’s redemption plan for us. God came to earth and was made in human likeness. He humbled Himself and would go to the cross to save us from our sins. Christmas reminds us of when God came near to us.
The shepherds were eyewitnesses to the manger scene, and heard the angelic announcement concerning Jesus birth.
Luke 2:17 says, “When they had seen him they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.”
Find encouragement in the amazing grace of God in the Year of Endurance.
John Shirk