

November 30th, 2012

FRED MCNAUGHTON -THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Extraordinary Give – The Day of Giving on November 30th. 240 WJTL Listeners donated $24,820.  WJTL also received a $1000 grant for being one of the first ten organizations to receive 50 individual donations.  Additionally, Lancaster County Community Foundation will match a percentage of your gifts and we will find out that amount in the near future.  Thank you again for your enthusiastic support!

Visit the Extraordinary Give Leaderboard and see what other organizations benefitted from this extraordinary day of giving.

(This was the original blog, giving the info on the Extraordinary Give)

I invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to invest in WJTL today and stretch your donation thanks to the Lancaster County Community Foundation. Any donation you make to WJTL today online at extragive.org will be stretched. WJTL has joined with almost 200 other local non-profit organizations in saying, “When we give extra, extraordinary things happen!”.

Please click on this link now and make a donation to support WJTL today.

Extraordinary Give is Lancaster County’s first 24 hour online giving marathon. Every dollar donated will be stretched by a $250,000 contribution from the Lancaster County Community Foundation.



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