
Eye On Integrity-The Way Of Love

February 14th, 2018

JOHN SHIRK-Today’s Eye on Integrity is based on First John 4:19.

“We love because he first loved us.”

God is our teacher on the lessons of love. He initiated love at creation, and at the cross in the midst of our sinfulness. He gave His best for our worst, so that we might have the opportunity to be restored to Him through faith in Jesus Christ.

There is a Portuguese Proverb that says, “To love God is the greatest of virtues; to be loved by God is the greatest of blessings.”

There is a way for us to grow in love every day, and that is to embrace the grace that Jesus offers us and to walk in the footsteps of His love day by day.

Walking in the way of Christ’s love is a virtue to embrace for our lives in the Year of Integrity.

John Shirk


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