
Feedback Giveback Is Giving Phil Wickham Away…Sortof!

September 13th, 2010

Phil Wickham is standing out in our music library lately…almost literally! Sure, we’ve been playing Phil’s latest song on the radio: “In My Love” (from the special edition of his “Heaven And Earth” CD)–and it’s a stand out song! But this week’s Feedback Giveback Prize from WJTL and INO Records takes it to a whole new level! This particular version of Phil Wickham stands about 20″ tall and comes color printed on very sturdy foam poster board with a detachable 4-track mix variety CD of the song “In My Love”!  How cool is that?!  Wouldn’t you like to win it?

Comment on any blog at www.WJTL.com before midnight on Sunday, September 19th and you’ll be entered to win! For starters, comment on this blog and tell us your favorite Phil Wickham song!

  1. Beka
    September 14th, 2010 at 12:54 | #1

    you’re beautiful is definately an awesome song! our band actually tried to sing it, but it just wasnt the same…no one can sing it like phil! I especially love the last verse! truly an amazing song!

  2. Londa
    September 20th, 2010 at 13:39 | #2

    The song “Beautiful” is beautiful. Mercy Me has great songs out on CD’s.
    The first time I heard this song it gave me chills. Thanks WJTL for doing
    a GREAT job on the radio. And also thank you for all the hard work you
    guys do and I am prayind for you all. God Bless

  3. kristi leigh
    September 24th, 2010 at 11:51 | #3

    Congratulations to Andrew Stube for winning this prize!

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