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Good News Focus-Significance in God’s Plan

November 12th, 2020

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Good News Focus is on Exodus 3:14.

God said to Moses at the burning bush, “I am who I am.” That is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.”

Basically, Moses was being called to go back to Egypt and deliver the Israelites out of slavery. Moses questioned whether anyone would trust him or if he was up to the task. Have you ever felt inadequate for something you believe God is calling you to do?  Moses was returning to the Israelites under God’s authority, and when questioned, he was to say that his mission was God-directed.

God was revealing His name to Moses. One of the implications of God’s name is that He is self-sufficient. He needs no help from us, but we are utterly dependent on Him. So, in and of ourselves, we are not adequate for our assignments, but with God’s help, we have what we need to do God’s will. He will supply sufficient grace.

Jesus is our Source of Good News, leading us to a place of significance in His plan of redemption in the Year of Vision. 

John Shirk


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