Hooray for Summer Contest
Update: Congratulations to the grand prize winners!
Christine Hartley from Manheim, Heather Muncy of Denver and Michelle Hameed from Leola!
Trips to the beach, picnics and flip flops are just a few of the things that make us love this season! WJTL wants to give you even more reasons to love summer with our new Hooray For Summer Contest!
We’re giving prize bundles away all summer long. Each includes 2 CDs from our Summer Prize Stash, a stainless steel WJTL water bottle, and a pair of hand-spun milkshakes from Chick-fil-A. Plus, everyone who wins is entered into the grand prize drawing, where 3 winners will score the grand prize: a pair of hot air balloon rides with the US Hot Air Balloon Team!
Email HoorayForSummer@WJTL.com and include:
-a picture of one of our WJTL stickers on your vehicle (or mode of transportation: motorcycle, tractor, skateboard, etc.)
-Your name and mailing address
-Winners will be announced through Summer 2017
-3 grand prize winners will be announced on September 1st, 2017
-Photos submitted for contest entry may be used by WJTL for promotional purposes
-Only one winner per household will be allowed in this contest
-Comments on this blog post do not count as contest entries
-View WJTL’s general contest rules here