Lesson Of Faith-Sacrificial Giving
JOHN SHIRK – We find this word of instruction in Hebrews 13:16: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
God’s design for our good deeds is for the righteousness of Christ to be exalted. The follower of Christ is motivated to good deeds because the love of Christ is active within us.
After the recent tornado outbreak in Oklahoma, various Christian relief groups moved in to help those devastated by the tornadoes. News broadcasts were drawing attention to the initiative of faith-based groups to come to the aid of those who were suffering.
The compassion of Christ is at the heart of many of these efforts. Doing good and sharing with others will involve sacrifices of personal time. It will require the heart of a servant. There might be a cost involved with making financial donations or buying items that other people need. The risk is worth the potential outcome. Jesus said, “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” When we give sacrificially for Christ, God is pleased, practical needs are met, and the door is open for others to give glory to God as a result of our witness.
The “results of sacrificial giving” is a lesson of faith worth remembering.
John Shirk
Hi John,
Thank you for sharing lessons of faith with us each day. It is always something I need to hear and/or be reminded of. I like this one about sacrificial giving cause that is exactly what God did for us. He has us to go forth and do the same. Others are blessed and in turn we too are blessed. Its a great thing.