Home > John Shirk, Staff Pages > Life Application Truth-When hardship leads to spiritual maturity

Life Application Truth-When hardship leads to spiritual maturity

January 3rd, 2012

2012 is the Year of Transformation at WJTL. Listen for stories of changed lives by the Gospel and life application truths from God’s Word.

Today’s Life Application Truth comes from Hebrews 12:6 and 7.

“The Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son. Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons.”

We would probably question the love of a parent for a child if that parent gave that child everything they wanted, never had them do chores around the house, and never corrected them when they made wrong choices.  That child would never be motivated to grow up.

Hebrews 12 talks about the value of God’s discipline on those people who do not ignore it or become discouraged by it. Verse 11 says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”  The implication is that God’s discipline is an opportunity to grow into spiritual maturity.  That is one of the reasons He allows us to experience hardship.

Spiritual maturity, learned out of hardship, is a vital sign of a changed life in the Year of Transformation.

John Shirk


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