Light Reflection-John 3:16
JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Light Reflection is from John 3:16.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
The light of the Gospel reveals the eternal life that we can have in Christ.
God’s love for us put His redemptive mission into motion. He sent Jesus into the world to be the sacrifice for our sins. Because He paid the price for our sin on the cross, we are set free from the death penalty through faith in His name. Jesus is the most precious gift from God’s gracious hand. He is worthy of our praise every single day.
Forever is a long time. Heaven awaits the gathering of the saints around the throne for a joyful time of worship and celebration. God has made a way for us to be there, and His name is Jesus.
This Light Reflection inspires us to embrace the eternal life that Jesus offers us in the Year to Shine.
John Shirk