
Love Is In The Air Contest 2019 UPDATED

January 25th, 2019

Thank you to everyone who entered our Love Is In The Air contest and congratulations to our winners!

Winners of conference registration:

  • Richard Burhans (and his wife Christine) of Lewisberry
  • Tanya Cruz (and her husband Eliseo) of Wrightsville

Grand Prize Winner of conference registration PLUS accommodations at Hershey Lodge during the conference:

  • Josiah Becker (and his wife Chanea) from Elizabethtown



Family Life’s Weekend To Remember marriage getaway is coming to the Hershey Lodge Valentine’s Day Weekend, February 15 -172019.

WJTL is teaming up with Family Life with our Love Is In The Air Contest. 2 couples will win free registration to the Weekend To Remember Marriage Getaway AND 1 married couple will win the grand prize of conference registration PLUS 2 nights at the Hershey Lodge!

Email TrueLove@wjtl.com with “Love Is In The Air” in the subject line. Include your name, age, address, phone number, spouse’s name, and attach your wedding photo.

Entries must be received by Thursday, January 24 by 5pm. Winners will be announced in the 4pm hour of the Afternoon Drive on Friday, January 25.




  • Only one entry per person will be permitted; only be one winner per household is allowed. If you or your spouse won the grand prize in this contest in the past, you are not eligible to enter. Grand Prize is valid for one married couple.

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