
“Mission Drift” Book Giveaways

February 11th, 2014

Mission Drift is the latest book from HOPE International‘s President & CEO, Peter Greer–and it just released!  The brand new book was co-authored by Chris Horst, director of development at HOPE International along with Anna Haggard, executive writing assistant of HOPE International.  The book focuses on the unspoken crisis facing leaders, charities and churches: “mission drift”.  Slowly, silently, and with little fanfare, organizations routinely drift from their purpose, and many never return to their original intent.  In Mission Drift, Greer also explores how organizations can stay true to their calling.  Learn more and purchase Mission Drift on Amazon.

Tune in to WJTL all week long for your chance to call in and win it!  Listen for the DJs’ cue to dial and keep our number handy: 717-392-3690 (392-FM90).

HOPE International invests in the dreams of the poor while proclaiming and living the Gospel in the world’s under-served communities.  Learn more here.

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