
Moment Of Celebration-Joyful Occasions

May 15th, 2014

JOHN SHIRK -Today’s Moment Of Celebration reflects on the opportunities to join joyful occasions.

When you think of joyful occasions, what are some situations that come to your mind? It is likely that when a joyful occasion comes to our mind, that we will picture several people being there to enjoy the festivities.

Entering into someone else’s joy is expressing sincere friendship just like having the compassion to enter someone else’s pain. Romans 12:15 urges us to rejoice with those who rejoice.

In Luke 15, Jesus told three stories of something or someone who was lost and then was found. In each story, the person who found the object or person who had been lost, wanted someone to celebrate with. Who do they call? Friends, neighbors, and family members.

It’s the people closest to us with whom we want to celebrate. This is something to consider when we receive invitations to weddings, baptisms, award ceremonies, graduations, or anniversary celebrations. We may not always be able to attend every celebration, but receiving such an invitation means that someone wants us to join in their celebration, and we have an opportunity to express our joy in their joy.

The opportunity to join joyful occasions is a reason to be glad in the Year of Celebration.

John Shirk


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