
Our Guide Through Life’s Maze

September 26th, 2016


Fall has just begun, and it feels like the season in full swing already.  So many of us have been itching to get to cooler weather and its cornucopia of harvest-themed activities.  High on the list for families: corn mazes!  There are lots of options all over the listening area.  Click here for a list. Yesterday, my family and I went to Newport to visit Butcher’s Family Fun Farm.  I, personally, was happy to sit in the corn box with my son, Josiah, instead of panicking and guessing the turns through endless rows of corn stalks.

One of my biggest weaknesses is directions.  My internal compass seems to have been faulty since day one.  Needless to say, I’m not the person you want to follow into a corn maze!  If I go in, it’s gotta be with someone who I am confident can get us back out.  Life can be that way.  Some of us seem to navigate it more easily and effortlessly…but we all have a trustworthy guide.  No matter how deeply lost in “life’s corn maze” you feel, listen for God’s loving voice to help you find your way.

Isaiah 30 21



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