
Passion “Let The Future Begin” Contest

March 23rd, 2013

Recorded live in Atlanta at the annual conference, Passion‘s latest album “Let The Future Begin” is available now and features new songs by worship leaders Chris Tomlin, Kristian Stanfill, Crowder, Matt Redman and Christy Nockels.

The past couple of years, the Passion Conference has focused on the issue of modern day slavery.  In January 2013, Passion introduced the End It Movement.  This movement is designed to bring awareness and educate people on this issue and shine a light on injustice.  The simple red “X”–via stickers, hats, tshirts, pens, posters, twitter and extensive press–is finding its way across the country and sending curious people to www.EndItMovement.com where they’re learning what trafficking is and how they can be a part of the fight.  The opening page at the site displays this video:

[tubepress video=”11d5Z_hPlto”]

Listen to WJTL all week for your chance to win a Passion Prize Pack including their new “Let The Future Begin CD” plus an End It Movement tote packed with End It Movement gear: Tshirt, cap, Sharpie, buttons,  stickers and more!  (Keep our number handy: 717-392-FM90)

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