
Praise & Worship Podcast with David Leonard

January 22nd, 2020

Praise & Worship Podcast Episode 3 features special guest, David Leonard! Singer/Songwriter, Worship Leader, Producer–he’s a Dove Award winning unstoppable generating force of creativity. We talk about filming a music video with his dad, corporate versus individual worship songs, and breaking away from the keyboard on MercyMe’s 2020 tour. Plus, miscarriage from a man’s perspective: how it feels and what helps.

On a personal note: David Leonard‘s album, “The Wait”, was huge for my husband and me. If you know our story, you know Sam was diagnosed with testicular cancer right after we were married. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer a couple years later. Doctor’s said we had a one in a million chance at having a baby. It was 7 years before our son, Josiah, was born with some help from IVF. We say (hands down!) infertility is harder to go through than cancer. You might also know that last year: after trying and waiting for even more years, we got pregnant–but it was ectopic, which meant emergency surgery and incredible shock. Pain like that threatens to destroy you. But, surprisingly God has encouraged us deeply, reawakening our hearts and our hope! After that hardest hit yet, we feel more compelled than ever to share and encourage you. We know so many can relate. For me, songs are essential in this process. Lyrics give you voice while music does its work on your soul. If you are in this boat too, I’d love to share this conversation with you. You can find it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and SoundCloud. I pray it helps you feel more hope (and less alone).

Kristi Leigh, WJTL DJ


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