
Q and A-What is the Priestly Blessing?

September 15th, 2016

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Q and A Segment explores the question, “What is the priestly blessing?”

In Numbers 6:24, The LORD instructed Moses how to direct Aaron and his sons to bless the Israelites:

“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you: The LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

This is a benediction sometimes given at the end of church services today. This blessing reflects God’s heart for us to know His peace and grace, which satisfies our soul and makes our joy complete.

This blessing is ultimately realized through a relationship with Jesus Christ, who is the way for us to experience God’s favor. Grace and peace prevail in the hearts of those who turn away from sin and turn to Christ for forgiveness and direction in the Year of Exploration.

John Shirk


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