
Red Letter Wisdom-Peace of God

April 11th, 2019

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Wisdom from the Red Letters is found in John 14:27.

Jesus told His disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

The peace of God is a wonderful treasure and is available for those who trust in Jesus completely. Just before Jesus died, He was talking about peace that was better than anything this world could give.

With faith in Jesus, we are able to rest in God’s grace. We don’t have  to prove our worth to Him. He has proved His love for us.

With faith in Jesus, we have a secure relationship that is built on sure promises of blessing.

With faith in Jesus, we have a Savior, who does not count our sins against us. We are forgiven and reconciled to God through Jesus.

The words of Jesus inspire us to embrace the peace that Jesus offers us in the Year of Redemption.

John Shirk


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