
Posts Tagged ‘boldness’

Light Reflection-Acts 4:29-30 Pray for a Bold Faith

November 9th, 2023 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – This week’s Light Reflections examine some of the bright spots in the book of Acts when God was on the move in the hearts of people.

One of those places was Acts chapter 4 after Peter and John were released from the interrogation of the religious leaders.

Verse 23 says that they went back to their own people and reported all the chief priests and the elders said to them. When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God.

In verses 29 and 30, we learn what they prayed for: “Now Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

This Light Reflection inspires us to seek God for a bold faith in the Year to Shine.

John Shirk

Vital Step to a Radiant Faith-Boldness

March 22nd, 2023 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – In the Year to Shine, today’s Vital Step to a Radiant Faith is boldness for Christ.

To be bold for Christ is to be willing to speak up for Him and stand for Him even when it may not be popular.

The secret to having a bold faith is to have hope in Christ. The Apostle Paul said in Second Corinthians 3:12, “Since we have such a hope, we are very bold.” This hope enables us to think more about God’s glory than our security.

Jesus stood for us at the cross. He paid the price of His blood for our redemption. Because Jesus died for us, we can live boldly for Him. We might be rejected or ridiculed for our faith, but we will be commended by God for going public with our faith in Jesus.

Consider the example of Paul’s testimony in Acts 28:31, “He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ-with all boldness and without hindrance!”

Boldness for Christ is a Vital Step to a Radiant Faith that makes a difference in our world.

John Shirk

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