
This Blog is about John Mark McMillan’s Blog about Gungor

May 3rd, 2010

I just read the latest blog from John Mark McMillan (original writer of the big hit song “How He Loves”) about one of the most interesting bands in worship today.  I was thrilled that it was Gungor!  (Formerly called the Michael Gungor Band.)  I’ve been so into their latest project ever since it released, and to see that they’re getting some support is really nice.  In fact, support is putting it gently, they’re touring with John Mark McMillan!   

Here’s a video to introduce you to Gungor:

And here’s where you can find John Mark McMillan’s blog: http://johnmarkmcmillan.blogspot.com/2010/05/one-of-most-interesting-bands-in.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ThePromenade+%28John+Mark%2FThe+Promenade%29

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