
Unspoken Win It Before You Can Buy It

March 29th, 2014

Unspoken‘s new self-titled CD will release on April 1st (no foolin’, we promise)!  Click here to pre-order online.  Be sure to listen in on Monday, March 31st.  Thanks to Centricity Music, we have a stack of the new CDs to give away the new CD all day long! (6AM-10PM).  So, program 717-392-3690 into your speed dial and listen for your chance to win on WJTL.

  1. Carol Statler
    April 2nd, 2014 at 17:53 | #1

    They are great and just what I needed to hear. Life and my health have been under a lot of stress. Thanks and I hope this dose not get shared to the public as my family listens to you , but don’t talk to me. You are all in my prayers and I enjoy supporting you. God bless you. Carol

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