Winning Wednesday with CS Lewis & JRR Tolkien!
April 18th, 2017
Spend an evening with C.S. Lewis & JRR Tolkien next Sunday, April 30th at The Junction Center / Landis Hall! Tomorrow for Winning Wednesday we are giving away pairs of tickets to see Of Wardrobes & Rings: And Other Things – A Theatrical Production that you won’t want to miss! Here is a feast for anyone who really wants to know what made these masters of fantasy tick and how their deep Christian faith encompassed everything that they wrote. Keep listening all day for chances to win tickets to see Of Wardrobes & Rings: And Other Things – An Evening with CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien. 717-392-3690
Caller must not have won in the past 30 days.
Please make sure you are available to attend on April 30th at 7pm.
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