
Winning Weekend with Kerosene Halo!

July 15th, 2016

It’s a Kerosene Halo Winning Weekend!!  Kerosene Halo will be in concert at The Junction Center on Tuesday, July 26th at 7pm.  You might think this is a new band, and you are partly correct!  Michael Roe of the 77’s & Lost Dogs & Derri Daugherty of The Choir & Lost Dogs have gotten together and just finished their second CD as Kerosene Halo!!  Their brand new CD is called “House on Fire”.  Steve Hindalong, songwriter extraordinaire, also from The Choir & Lost Dogs will be joining them on percussion.  Paul Averitt  will be playing bass.  The Choir has songs like “Beautiful Scandalous Night”, “Circle Slide” & “About Love”.  Songs from the 77’s include “Do It For Love”, “Nowhere Else”, “The Lust, The Flesh, & The Pride of  Life”  and many, many more! Have you ever heard of the song “God of Wonders”?  That was co-written by Steve Hindalong!  It’s going to be a great night of music and you can join us!  Listen to WJTL this weekend for your chance to call in to win tickets!!  717-392-3690


Tickets & More Information – http://thejunctioncenter.com/


**Caller must not have won in the past 30 days.

**Please make sure you are available to attend on Tuesday, July 26th at 7pm.

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