
Arbor Day Tree Giveaway 2019 Winner

April 22nd, 2019

Congratulations to our winner, Ada Perales from Lancaster!
Thank you to everyone who entered!


Arbor Day Tree Giveaway

In celebration of Arbor Day, WJTL is teaming with Tomlinson Bomberger Lawn Care, Landscape, & Pest Control for the Arbor Day Tree Give Away!

Our winner will select a tree from six varieties, and Tomlinson Bomberger Lawn Care, Landscape, & Pest Control will even plant the tree on their property!

Varieties include:

  • Red Sunset Maple
  • Shademaster Honeylocust
  • Norway Spruce
  • Eastern White Pine
  • Kousa Dogwood
  • Kwanzan Cherry

To enter the Arbor Day Tree Giveaway with WJTL & Tomlinson Bomberger Lawn Care, Landscape, & Pest Control, send your name, address, and phone number to FreeTree@wjtl.com. Deadline to enter is Noon on Thursday, April 25th. One name will be chosen at random and we’ll announce the winner on The Morning Show on Friday, April 26th. 

*You must not have won from WJTL in the past 30 days in order to be eligible.
*Entries must be emailed. Comments on this blog do not count as entries.
*Check out WJTL’s General Contest Rules here.

  1. Katherine Pietra
    April 11th, 2019 at 19:09 | #1

    What a wonderful contest! Also, very generous! Thank-you WJTL and all of the business and people who support this amazing radio station.

  2. Angella Walls
    April 12th, 2019 at 12:40 | #2

    Trees are God’s filtration system. This is an excellent idea. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  3. Karen Umholtz
    April 15th, 2019 at 20:22 | #3

    I so need a tree for our yard!!!

  4. Betty Yunginger
    April 17th, 2019 at 18:06 | #4

    Enjoy listening go to n from work!

  5. Ella J Funk
    April 23rd, 2019 at 07:18 | #5

    I love listening to WJTL every time I get in the car, Redoing the landscaping in the yard–would love a new tree! Thanks

  6. Deborah Riddell
    April 23rd, 2019 at 07:39 | #6

    the link to enter this contest does not seem to be working.

  7. Cindy W
    April 23rd, 2019 at 09:08 | #7

    To enter, please email FreeTree@wjtl.com with your name, address, and phone number.

  8. Toni Rice
    April 25th, 2019 at 08:10 | #8

    I love listening to WJTL every morning, it is a great start to my day. A new tree at a new house would be nice.

  9. Jennifer Lyons
    April 25th, 2019 at 12:01 | #9

    Love listening! Would love to plant a tree!

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