Day One: An Adventure
God is moving at Creation 2013! We spent the day hearing tales about what WJTL means to different listeners and the impact the station has on our community. It was truly heart warming to hear God in the stories that were told. We also gave away a boat load of wristbands and magnetic clips: they were like hot cakes, I tell ya. Our Walk In Love gift basket found a home in the arms of Maddie Feiser of Havertown PA. Though the basket looked small it was full of great items from a great store.
Tomorrows giveaway is going to be two hot air balloon tickets courtesy of United States Hot Air Balloon Team. Also, I have six frisbees to give away. Beause the number is so small, I can not give them away willy nilly; I need something in return. So here it is: What is the #1 condiment in the US? The first six people to answer correctly will be throwing a WJTL frisbee with their new found friends! Good luck and good night to all!
Salsa, because people like to say “salsa”