
Encouragement from My Garden

August 2nd, 2017

This is the first summer season for my family in our new home. We moved from a shaded yard to one with lots of sunshine. Now blueberry bushes, a vegetable patch and mammoth sunflowers are finally a success! When the conditions are right, the plants just do some very simply things–bask in the sun and soak up the rain–and they grow strong and straight and produce lots of fruit and flowers. When I tried gardening in the shade, I found that plants grew in all the wrong shapes and directions.  They ended up slanted and leaning and reaching and fruitless. We are kind of the same way. Here is a set of songs to focus on and appreciate what God can form out of the dirt and the dust. He is the loving Gardener of our hearts and lives.  He plants seeds, pulls weeds, causes the sun to shine and rain to fall…all to bring forth fruit and blooms as we abide in the vine.  Isaiah 58:11 says “And the LORD will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones.  And you will be like a watered garden, like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.”

Kristi Leigh – WJTL DJ





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