
Posts Tagged ‘Divine Power’

Reason To Believe-God’s Provision for a Godly Life

October 10th, 2016 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – In the Year of Exploration, today’s Reason to Believe is the provision of God to live a godly life.

Second Peter 1:3 says that “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him, who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

Life is a spiritual battlefield. There are sinister forces that work against our soul, seeking to destroy us and separate us from God’s love. But God has resources too, to help us overcome those forces that wage war against our soul. Three of those resources are the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and the Church.

The Holy Spirit fills us with love and hope. He reminds us of Jesus’ words, and guides us in the truth.

The Bible is the word of God, encouraging us with the message of grace and making known His will for our lives.

The church gives us a support structure in the Christian life and a place of belonging in His family of believers.

God’s provision for us to live a godly life is a reason to believe in God’s good news.

John Shirk