JOHN SHIRK – In the Year to Shine, today’s Vital Step to a Radiant Faith is “Saying No” to the unholy and unhealthy. We see the wisdom of this in more »
JOHN SHIRK – In the Year to Shine, today’s Vital Step to a Radiant Faith is godly contentment. A reporter once asked the richest man on earth, “how much is more »
JOHN SHIRK - The love of money is not a pursuit that is exclusive to our generation. It was there in the first century church, and Paul addressed its dangers. He also encouraged Timothy to pursue something of much greater value-godliness. That is the…
JOHN SHIRK - This devotional highlights three ways in which God provides us with help for living a godly life. We cannot do this on our own. We need the Lord. Living by God's power and tapping into the resources He provides is key to living according…
JOHN SHIRK - According to Second Peter 1, verse 3, God's divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him. If we follow Jesus, He will provide what we need to become fully trained disciples.