
Posts Tagged ‘love mercy’

Faith Building Verse-Micah 6:8

September 27th, 2022 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Faith-Building Verse is Micah 6:8.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

These are God’s requirements for our lives that reflect His goodness.

To Act Justly is to stand up for what is right in God’s eyes. His call of justice includes defending the oppressed, taking up the cause of the fatherless and pleading the case of the widow.

To love Mercy means that we show mercy in the form of compassion and forgiveness.

To walk humbly with God is reliance on His grace to save us from our sins. We live with profound gratitude for His unfailing love and abundant goodness demonstrated through Jesus.

This Faith-Building Verse inspires us to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God in the Year of Relationship.

John Shirk

20/20 Insight-God’s Good Requirements

August 5th, 2020 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – In the Year of Vision, today’s 20/20 Insight focuses on the good requirements that God has revealed to us.

In Micah 6:8, the prophet said about the LORD, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

We might tend to think that worship is about going to church, singing songs, hearing a sermon and taking communion. These are opportunities to worship God. However, worship is more than what happens on a Sunday morning. Worship is a way of life that includes acts of justice upholding God’s righteousness, acts of mercy extending God’s compassion, and a walk of humility reflecting God’s character.

Focusing on doing what God requires of us gives us greater clarity for living out the Christian life.

John Shirk

Person of Integrity-Micah

April 27th, 2018 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Person of Integrity from the Bible is Micah.

He was a prophet of God who ministered in the time of King Hezekiah. We don’t know much about him beyond what he wrote in the book of Micah.

His book addresses social ills of his day and warns of coming judgment. He said, “Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds.”

But his message also contained hope, predicting the coming of the Messiah, highlighting God’s mercy to pardon sin, and showing us God’s will for living a life that God considers good.

In Micah 6:8, the prophet writes, “He has showed you what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

The faithfulness of Micah to turn people’s attention to what is good inspires us to follow after God’s own heart and to live a life of integrity.

John Shirk

Relationship-Building Principle-Doing what is good in God’s eyes

February 11th, 2015 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Relationship-Building Principle comes from Micah 6:8.

“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Following this good path will guide us into relationships that bring honor to God.

To act justly means that we treat people with fairness and without partiality. We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. We stand for the truth and refuse to be influenced by bribes. Acting justly flows out of a commitment to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord.

Loving mercy means that it gives us great delight to offer a helping hand to those in needy places, like the Good Samaritan who aided a man on the side of the road beaten by robbers. Loving mercy also means being gracious and patient with people who have stumbled into sin. The love of Jesus fills us with compassion for the condition of their soul.

Walking humbly with God means that we acknowledge the authority of Jesus over us and follow Him day-by-day, step by step.

Doing what is good in the eyes of the Lord is a vital relationship-building principle to take to heart in the Year of Connection.


December 3rd, 2012 1 comment

JOHN SHIRK – From Micah 6:8.

“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Implications of acting justly include treating people with fairness and without discrimination based on racial background or economic status. Acting justly shows concern for the poor and takes a stand for innocent victims of injustice.

Loving mercy includes willingness to forgive the sins of others just as God forgave us. Another dimension of mercy is extending the kindness of God to a wounded soul.

Walking humbly with God acknowledges our own need for God’s grace and seeks to bring Him glory in our lives. We acknowledge His greatness and depend on His goodness. Where He leads us, we follow.

God has not left us without direction. He has provided a roadmap that reveals His good and pleasing purposes. The Bible is a valuable resource to guide us in the truth of God’s will.

Obedience to God’s Word is a vital sign of a changed life in the Year of Transformation.

John Shirk