
Tuesday in Puerto Cabezas

March 23rd, 2011

Greetings from Puerto Cabezas!  I am staying at the Hotel Monter-upstairs from a grocery store and across the street from the baseball stadium.  The town is made of up English, Spanish, Miskito and Sumo speaking people. The majority of the people from the city  are Spanish speaking; however, almost all people from the province speak the Miskito language.

This town is popular for its Miskito Market and seafood restaurants which serve up fresh daily catches to customers.   The Miskito Market is one of the best places to go for fresh vegetables.  Tim is taking us there in the morning.

Today I had the chance to walk through the village of Boom Sirpi where Friends in Action International is helping the Miskito rebuild after Hurricane Felix.  Here are a few pictures from our visit.  Tomorrow I will spend 4-5 hours there interviewing the people, shooting video and pictures and calling in live reports to WJTL.


One of my favorite snapshots from the day was watching a young village boy pump water from the well and then carry the water back to his family.  I thought, “this boy could be someone’s sponsored child!”.  I will upload the video to WJTL.COM as soon as I get a faster connection so you can experience it too!

It’s been a long day with a slow internet connection!  I will talk to you in the morning.

Buenos Noches!


  1. Mark Britton
    March 23rd, 2011 at 18:29 | #1

    I am listening and following along. I am interested in volunteering with FIA International. Can you please recommend who I should email to discuss the steps and my background? I am an environmental engineer with 20 years experience. Thank you! Mark

  2. Jan McKee
    March 24th, 2011 at 01:47 | #2

    Hi Lisa, I’m Armin’s wife. We here at home are so excited to be able to see your pictures and listen to your interviews. God bless you all! luv, Jan

  3. Angie Kreitzer
    March 24th, 2011 at 20:45 | #3

    These are great pics! I will enjoy seeing more later. Do you chickens and other animals run free? I was in Ghana twice and chickens, goats, and sheep roam free in certain areas.
    Have a great time and looking forward to hearing about the trip all the time.

  4. Melanie
    April 8th, 2011 at 19:34 | #4

    Always an unforgettable experiece. Great pics. Thanks for sharing the blessings you have recieved during your trip with us.

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