Tune In To Win Your Way Into The Bob Lenz “Live From The Junction Center” Event!
Bob Lenz (of Life Promotions) will be “Live From The Junction Center” on Sunday, April 29th at 2:00PM! It will be a fun and meaningful time connecting with Bob on a small-group level and portions will be broadcast live on the radio. This is an exclusive event. (We only have space for 40 people!) If you want to be there, you’ll have to win your way in! Listen each weekday this week (April 23 – 27) for chances to call in and get your spot for 2 on our guest list! Our DJs will let you know when it’s time to call in, but keep our number on speed dial! 717-392-FM90 (3690).
Here’s a little more about Bob Lenz:
Author and international speaker, Bob Lenz, has an intense passion to share the love of Christ. He connects with the hearts and minds of youth like no other speaker can, sharing experiences that help youth deal with real life while challenging them to make a difference in their world.