
Winning Wednesday: “Shepherding A Child’s Heart”

November 5th, 2013

This weekend, Community Fellowship in Lancaster is hosting Dr. Tedd Tripp for a Parenting Conference!  Click here for conference information and to get tickets.  This is a conference for parents with children of all ages.  The major theme is that the heart is the wellspring of life.  Since behavior is heart-driven, it cannot be understood or addressed in isolation from the heart.  In this seminar, he will share that instead of parenting by control and punishment, guidance, understanding of a child’s nature, and positive support are a much more effective approach to being a mom and dad.

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Tune in to WJTL all day long on Winning Wednesday, November 6th.  We’ll give you chances to win free couple’s registration to this weekend’s conference–and we’ll also give away Dr. Tedd Tripp’s best-selling book, Shepherding A Child’s Heart!  Keep our number handy: 717-392-3690 (392-FM90).



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