
Petra Concert Ticket Giveaways

October 21st, 2013

Turkey Hill Dairy’s All-Natural Ice Cream presents WJTL’s Fall Events Series in The Junction Center Tent.   Petra will be live in concert on Friday night at 7:00 p.m. (October 25th).  Tickets are available here.

Tune in to WJTL all day long on Tuesday, October 22nd for your chance to call in and win tickets to the concert!  Keep us on speed dial: 717-392-3690 (392-FM90).

  1. Deb Stuller
    October 21st, 2013 at 22:22 | #1

    Yay!!!! Petra is one of my favorites 🙂

  2. Duane Swartz
    October 23rd, 2013 at 10:58 | #2

    So looking forward to seeing Petra again. My son and I saw them at Creation this past summer and needless to say for those who were also there, we ended up drenched but it was well worth it. We were right in front of the stage center only a few rows back from the stage. I waited since 2005 to see them again. This was the first time for my son who is 15 and a big fan. At least Friday night we will not have to worry about getting wet again.

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