JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Light Reflection is from Luke 15:20. This is one of the highlights in the Parable of the Lost Son taught by Jesus. A father had two more »
JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Key Element for Thriving Relationships draws a lesson of love from the heart of the Father toward a Prodigal Son. In Luke 15, the Prodigal Son more »
JOHN SHIRK-The story of the Prodigal Son gives us insight into God's great compassion to welcome His wandering children back home. We are never so far away from God that we are beyond the reach of His grace. While we have breath, we have opportunity to…
JOHN SHIRK - Of the persons of Integrity found in the Bible, the Prodigal Son is probably not the first person that comes to mind. However, he did something very important in the pigpen that is essential for anyone who would turn to the Lord. He was honest…
JOHN SHIRK - Jesus told stories during His earthly ministry. He would use parables to describe what the Kingdom of God is like. Which parable is the most familiar to you? This devotional examines the impact of God's story on our story when we believe…
JOHN SHIRK - Broken circumstances do not automatically mean that someone is heading for a breakdown. They might be on the verge of a breakthrough. That was the case with the Prodigal Son. This devotional explores his story.