
Win a Love & The Outcome T-shirt

August 19th, 2013

This week, when you comment on our blogs, you’ll automatically be entered to win a Love &  The Outcome T-shirt (size M)!  Click here to read JesusFreakHideout.com’s article on this new musical husband-and-wife duo from Canada.  Their debut project releases soon: August 27th.  We’ve been playing their new song “He Is With Us” on WJTL.  Check out the video:

[tubepress video=”qYLoigK4WSI”]


  1. Lisa
    August 20th, 2013 at 14:03 | #1

    We’re always up for winning a T-Shirt! And my daughter is a devoted WJTL listener and would be thrilled to have it! Thanks for the chance to try, and keep up the great music!!

    August 21st, 2013 at 22:24 | #2

    What a great song! I loved it right away. The video is awesome also. It’s so nice to see a husband and wife musical team. And every word in this song is so true & perfect. Thank you Love & The Outcome and WJTL! He is with us! Always. (would love to spread the word with a t-shirt)

  3. August 23rd, 2013 at 08:16 | #3

    I want the shirt

  4. Alexis Heidlebaugh
    August 29th, 2013 at 21:20 | #4

    Great song my a lovely couple! Thank you WJTL for allowing us to get to know these artists! Spread the love!

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