
Win Lisa Harper Tickets on Winning Wednesday

June 10th, 2014

B.I.R.D. Ministries is a local Christ-centered organization committed to seeing women who have been in prison receive hope, healing, support and guidance as they are released back into the community.  The goal is to to restore them to wholeness and reconcile them to their families and communities to live in harmony with God, self, and others.

B.I.R.D. Ministries presents The Amazing Grace Women’s Conference at Good Shepherd Chapel
 at Lancaster Bible College this Saturday from 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM. The event features Lisa Harper: a gifted communicator, hilarious storyteller and Bible Scholar. She’ll inspire, encourage and stir hearts to action.  Click here for the event flyer.  This event will support the work of B.I.R.D. Ministries. Tickets will be available at the door on the day of the event.  Call for tickets or more information: 717-295-3301.

Tune in to WJTL all day long (6AM – 10PM) on Winning Wednesday, June 11th–we’ll give away tickets to this event so you and a friend can attend for free!  Keep our number handy: 717-392-3690.


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