Looking for ways to support our community during our current pandemic? Check out this list of opportunities: Give BloodHelp save lives by donating blood through the American Red Cross. Please more »
WJTL is giving you the chance to call in and win a Family 4-pack of tickets for Faith & Family Night with the Harrisburg City Islanders. Faith & Family Night is coming up on Saturday, July 18th at the Skyline Sports Complex in Harrisburg.
If you're a college student, you know that this school year is wrapping up soon. Tune in to WJTL for your chance to win a Homestretch College Survival Kit from Evangelical Seminary including gift cards, candy and a beach bag. Click for more info and…
Categories: News, Promo Tags: amazon, college survival kit, contest, dunkin donuts, evangelical seminary, gas card, harrisburg, homestretch, itunes, myerstown, open house, Pennsylvania, student