JOHN SHIRK - This devotional explores the value of God's Word and the name of Jesus to our lives.
KRISTI LEIGH - Sunday mornings on WJTL start with a long lineup of praise and worship. This edition features a themed playlist, celebrating our Faithful God. Click for the song info, including worship leaders Kristian Stanfill, Elevation Worship, Matt…
JOHN SHIRK - Our spiritual theme in 2018 is the Year of Integrity. We will examine principles and persons of integrity from the Bible this year. There is no more fitting place to start than to focus on the ultimate example of integrity for our lives.
JOHN SHIRK - This year, WJTL is examining various reasons that we can trust in God by looking at descriptions of Him in the Bible. This devotional reveals how His faithfulness guarantees His credibility as a Promise Keeper.
JOHN SHIRK - This devotional explains how an ordinary sunrise can remind us of God's unfailing love.
JOHN SHIRK - Smyrna was one church that received no rebuke from the Lord. In his letter to this church, Jesus encourages this church to remain faithful to Him through times of persecution.
JOHN SHIRK - The prophet Hosea said, "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love." There is a principle of sowing and reaping in the plans we carry out, whether they are good or evil.
JOHN SHIRK - With God, a promise made is a promise kept. God's faithfulness is an expression of love that provides a dependable foundation for our lives and shapes us to be faithful to our commitments. Today, we examine faithfulness as a quality of love.