JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Light Reflection is from John 5:36. Jesus said, “I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to more »
JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Faith-Building Verse is John 5:36. Jesus said, “I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to finish-the more »
JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Faith-Building Verse is First Corinthians 15:57. “Thanks be to God. He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” One of the memorable upsets in more »
KRISTI LEIGH - Today's lineup is special to me: It’s a Breakthrough Theme! These songs powerfully help us to sing our way through impossible situations. Click for all the song details, including Chris McClarney, Rend Collective, Mack Brock, Rita Springer,…
September 13th, 2017
JOHN SHIRK - This devotional reveals God's redemptive work as miraculous-something humanly impossible for us to achieve on our own. Examples of His miraculous plan are cited throughout the Bible.
JOHN SHIRK - This devotional explores some of the ways that God is a miracle worker.